Tuna Puff Pastry

Tuna Puff Pastry

1 sheet puff pastry
1 can tuna
1 onion chopped
1 garlic
1 curry leaf ( optional)
1 inch raanpa (optional)
1 chilli
1 tabs lime juice
salt and pepper to taste
1 egg wash
2 tbs oil

Fry onion, clove, curry leaf and ranpa with oil until light brown, then add tuna, chilli, lemon, salt and pepper, cook on low heat for 5 mins. Set a side to cool.
Roll out the pastry and place the filling in the center, fold over for once and cut out the pastry along from one side to another, and cut the folded one across in the middle, and there is 2 halves, again cut each half in the middle for portions, there is four of them now. Repeat
this until the filling and the pastry is over.
Apply the egg wash and bake in the oven of the temperature 200 C. for 15 mins or until golden brown.
There is some other method if you wish to make them look different and much puffed and nice, cut the pastry with a glass, place the filling on one of them and place the other on top, fork around to seal.

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